Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Stop And Look Around Or You Might Miss It

Many of the things that I write about focus around physical health, but what I would like to address is our mental health. Often we forget about how much of a role our minds come into play when we think of our health. As I have said in past posts, if your mind is not into it, the rest of you will not be.

Today I went to a workshop that focused on soothing the mind so that the rest of the body could function. This was done through music and for once in a workshop I was told that if I fell asleep they would take it as a compliment. The music was arranged in such a manner that I could feel my blood pressure slowly going down. Well maybe not “felt” it, but my mind “felt” it.

The one thing that we need to constantly do is keep our minds healthy. This could be done in many forms. One such way is not letting negativity into our lives. We need to let go of any bad feelings and not let them linger on. The longer we hold on to such thoughts, the worse our mental health gets. We need to keep our minds constantly nurtured through reading, studying and sharing ideas with others. We need to let our thoughts and expressions out through art, poetry, music, writing or what ever your creative outlet may be.

To quote Ferris Bueller, we live in a world that moves so quickly that if we don’t “stop to look around once in a while you could miss it.” Take the time to pursue artistic or creative endeavors. Our lives become so easy that we rarely have to think anymore. The Internet makes it easier to do many things. As I sit here and write to you, I am reminded of a time not long ago that in order to let people know what I was thinking I had to pick up the phone and tell them. In today’s automated world, I can publish this post worldwide quicker than I can write it.

To keep our minds mentally tough, mentally ready and mentally healthy we must train it to do so. We need to keep reading, keep learning and keep active. Get your mind right and everything else will follow.