Overall Health...
I went to a presentation tonight that reminded of many things. Many times when we think of health, our own in particular, we are usually referring to the physical part of it. Such as the absence of any kind of ailment. When we ask someone how their health is, we are usually asking if they have not been feeling well physically. We think of health is terms of a cold or the flu or a headache.
Health is all encompassing, not only do we need to keep our bodies physically fit, but we need to keep our minds spiritually and mentally healthy. We need to make sure we are getting the proper rest, nutrition and exercise. We need to be sure that our friends and families are in harmony and that our financial matters are all in order.
Once we get all of that healthy, we can do anything. We need to be at an optimal level to perform at an optimal level. So many times I have heard the saying “You have to get your mind right.” How true it is.