I saw a funny thing the other day as I drove into work. I came to almost a complete stop on the freeway and wondered what was going on. I moved at a crawl for about a half mile until it started moving again. As I got towards the clearing I did not see an accident or a stalled vehicle, I saw nothing. No reason for the stop. Then I glanced over to the other side of the freeway, there I saw a 4 car pile up. I started thinking, why is it so congested on this side? Then it dawned on me that the cars in front of me slowed down to see what was going on on the other side of the freeway.
The Ripple Effect.
Several cars slowed down to see, which slowed down others who gawked, which eventually caused the half mile hold up. You see small tiny things can cause huge impacts. Much like dropping a pebble in water, you can see the many ripples it causes.
Our lives are no different, making smaller better choices today will lead to bigger things down the road. Instead of reaching for that soda, have some juice. Instead of the fat filled salad dressing, have something lighter, instead of chips have some fruit or nuts. Start your Health Ripple today!