Going off of a previous post I wrote, I wanted to address the idea of overall health and wellness. The reason I am doing so, is because it seems so common sense, although many of us take it for granted. How many times has an ailment carried over into the rest of your life? I am not just talking about a cold or the flu, but what about times you have been financially strapped. It affects a lot of other things you do, at work you are worried about how you are going to pay certain bills. Some times we internalize a lot of these feelings of stress that later manifest as physical ailments. Have you ever heard of someone going through bouts of stress that have had an ulcer? I have. It all goes with what I am going to be talking about. Total, overall health and wellness.
Keeping Fit. Exercise does the body good. Not only does it make us feel good, but we can look good as well. Studies have shown that exercise releases endorphins or feelings of pleasure. Exercise has helped to reduce high blood pressure and helps with proper circulation. Getting the proper amount of physical exercise only benefits us in the long run. It is my belief that the better shape we are in, the less prone we are to injuries. And the better off we will be when dealing with chronic illnesses we may have.
Get Your Mind Right. Sometimes we are our worst enemy. We talk negatively to our selves, say we are not good enough and sometimes over analyze and over think things. There are a lot of us that get down and depressed about our situations. We must always, I repeat always be our own cheerleader. This is not to say that we are obnoxious and arrogant, but rather give ourselves more positive talk. We need to tell ourselves that we are worth a lot, that we are smart and we are a good person. If we don’t believe in ourselves, how are we going to get others to believe in us or what we have to say?
Make Better Food Choices. One of my worst vices is chocolate. I can sit down and eat a whole box of chocolates. While I love these things, I need to keep them in moderation or it can get out of hand and star showing when I get in the scale and look in front of the mirror. Make a better choice when dining out, choose healthier alternatives. And remember that it is ok to splurge every once in a while. I like the saying, “don’t cheat yourself, treat yourself,” but with that remember that moderation is key.
Rest. If you are like me, then you are probably in denial. I hate to admit when my girlfriend is right, but she is. I am one of those people who have long functioned on a minimal amount of sleep. For years, 4-5 hours a night was all I needed. Going to bed before midnight never happened. That was when I was a lot younger. Now, I sleep at least 7 hours and I can feel the difference in my energy level.
Be In Harmony with Family and Friends. The last couple of weeks, I have dealt with life on different levels. By that I mean, I have been to the hospital to visit a young child, been there to visit someone older who has been battling an illness, been to a funeral for someone who left too young and have talked to others who no longer wish to be around. If I have learned anything, it is to say and do the things you really mean. If you have a problem with someone, talk to them and work it out. Don’t let it linger and wait till it’s too late.
Keep Your Finances In Order. I know that this is a tough one, as I struggle with it constantly, but if we can keep a grip on it, then all other stresses in our lives can be worked out.
There are a lot of variables that can be found in our equation of a healthy life, but if we can continue on the path of healthy living in all aspects, the end result should be optimal health. Here’s to your journey, I hope I can be your guide. Thanks for reading.